Changing the World One Dog at a Time Since 2003!
2018 Giving Challenge
A "Tail" of Success
No bones about it, our donors gave a new leash on life to homeless dogs. Our 264 online donations totaled $18,661 before the match by The Patterson Foundation. Thanks to our supporters who knew there was no time to "paws" we were awarded a Fast50 $500 bonus for being one of the first 50 groups to have 50 donations. The $36,496 raised almost equaled what was collected in adoption donations for 2018; however, medical expenses added up to $86,482. Your donations during 2018 Giving Challenge made it "pawsible" for us to continue to rescue the dogs who needed us the most. Many of these required hospitalization and major medical procedures such as: orthopedic surgery to repair broken bones or ruptured tendons, heartworm treatment, cat scans & MRIs, surgery to remove bladder stones, parvo treatment and spinal surgery.
Canine Castaways was proud to participate in the 2018 Giving Challenge presented by the Community Foundation of Sarasota County with giving strengthened by The Patterson Foundation, as well as support from Manatee Community Foundation, John S. and James L. Knight Foundation, William G. and Marie Selby Foundation, Charlotte Community Foundation, the Herald-Tribune Media Group, Suncoast News Network, iHeart Media, and Harbor Style Magazine.
" Be The One"

A big howling THANK YOU from all of our castaways to:
- The many people at Community Foundation of Sarasota County who made this event happen
- The Patterson Foundation for their generous match as well as all of the other sponsors.
- Those who donated and asked their family & friends to donate
- Those who shared, liked and commented on our many social media posts. We know there were a lot of posts and your efforts raised awareness substantially.
- Our volunteers who worked tirelessly to let everyone know that each person can #BeTheOne to make a difference
- Our families (including our furry family) who put up with us while we used our #PowerOfOne in every way possible to spread the word
- Woof Gang Bakery & Grooming Lakewood Ranch for hosting our Kickoff Event
Believe in
the Power
of One!

We have always believed in the "Power of One" person to make a difference for a dog as demonstrated in our slogan "Saving one dog won't change the world, but it will change the world for that dog". This was everyone's chance to "Be The One"!